Nice to meet you and welcome.
I have heard through the grapevine that edan will be the more pvp oriented and orwen will be more rp oriented but we shall see. If that is the...
yep can't wait till saturday at midnight! gonna take a 5 hour nap before then lol
Hello and welcome :) when will you be starting if I may ask? aka did you get the $50 or the $100?
Glad you joined us :) don't worry when it gets to loud in ts I go to a different channel to chill for a bit :p Is binn béal ina thost!
Nice to meet you :) what will you be starting as?
Nice to meet you :) Will you be joining us for BDO?
Will you be joining us for BDO? Nice to meet you :)
Nice to meet you :)
You are going to want to start as a Valk if you want a pimp sword by the time Blader comes out. Or as a Tamer to use her sword for the ninja class...
Will you be joining us for Black Desert? It's nice to meet you :)
It's great to meet you :) can't wait for this game to be here already!
Nice to meet you :) lovely country you live in.
Nice to meet you :) I will be glad to have a meat shield around!
Nice to meet you :) and thank you for your service.
See you there :)
Nice to meet you :) we will have guides posted in the forums to help with many questions you may have :D