as someone who had ground out VR14 multiple times and maintained a high presence in all activities. I can easily say that the removal of all VR...
Is anyone else here interested in Battlefield 1. I am going to be purchasing the early collectors edition for either the PS4 or PC... I am leaning...
am i the only one who is EXTREMELY intrigued by the idea of a Grind-less passive xp system and constantly refreshing PvP system? makes me think of...
used be HARDCORE into Dota 2. 4200+ MMR in my peak with a 4000+ Team Rating. Stopped playing because I got VERY frustrated with the direction and...
Please List what you got from the BOSS ONLY regardless of how bad it was. if you are not sure. only list the higher tier things that you ARE sure...
I will be hosting some Arena Training for a few hours during the week. Training and Tournaments is open to those Level 50+ only (Sorry for those...
Title says it all. I'm going to post the link here simply for Credit purposes since the writer of this post put in a lot of effort and time....
Hmm..... too much to introduce in such a little space. Nerd, Roleplayer, DnD. Main games - Heroes of the Storm, Destiny and Black Desert. Cheers