welcome sir! :D
welcome kals wife, ex cleric! :P
welcome sir! :D Have any other games you play besides EQ?
welcome bro! always glad to see new faces!
Greetings Guardians! Here is a current breakdown of all raid activities and scheduled events! Please note that group participants and running...
Welcome man! we are very happy to have ya! this is definitely a great bunch of people to get to know!
the more the merrier! :D
With Destiny coming to a heartfelt but triumphant end and Destiny 2 right around the corner, I feel this is the perfect time for everyone to share...
What starts off as a little convoluted due to lack of explanation of what exactly is happening this very quickly becomes a well thought out and...
how did it go? :D what branch?
welcome sir!
Howdy lady! Glad to have you here! What system do you have?
I missed this haha. @Daphonic welcome mate
oh no! but... we are LOTS of fun on the console side! :P we have cookies! and Ranch dressing!
winner winner chicken dinner
Yes but Sir. We have a clan of 160+ friends here.
thats very rad dude! :'D You make tactical deaths in pvp right? :D
I do sometimes play MC... not very often and I think i only got on once through Lethality. but... SPACE! :'D