Sounds legit to me! have you wandered into your Discord yet sir?! ;)
Yeah, I have not played for quite a while. I definitely will be at least starting. whatever happens after that *shrugs*
both at once
Fresher the better!
i need blood
welcome m8! :D we are VERY glad to have you! why don't you come hang out with us on the Discord? maybe play a few games of cards against humanity...
THIS. is the best thing to happen since waffles. seriously. have you ever had Cthulu on a shirt? no? then you wouldn't know till ya tried!
we like you for liking destiny! :D I do however have a question... What is the airspeed of an unladen swallow? this is the one that works. we did a little clean-up to remove the dozen or so links out there so that we could better...
sir! we are mighty active. You should come chat with us in the Discord. the website is just a kickass tool that we have. But it isn't good for...
welcome m8! definitely glad to see ya here! we all have come to love this community quite a lot :)
Greetings Guardians! We use the Charlemagne Discord Bot to help us display stats and to provide us an automatic leaderboard of sorts. The...
I want to hear all the silly, weird or insane things you have seen or heard randoms do in your groups / raids! Please out of respect do not use...
This makes me miss the old days haha
SanAntonio4Lyfe!!! ;)
ty sir
:D we like that you're here! Gives us some fresh brains for the zombie apocalypse. I mean... were all friends right?!
Well.. the real question is... can you jump?
we look forward to it! we got Kings Fall coming up next! :D you ready for this?!