:D welcome m8! so... questions... ranch dressing or blue cheese?
welcome sir! what games do ya play? :D
just saying hi as well ;)
no sir! we don't like them cookies here! ;P haha. but for real. welcome m8!
Welcome! what games do ya play m8!?
welcome m8! glad to have you here for sure!
Contest will be ran again now that we have a little more structure
you win that desk sir!
Welcome :)
Greetings Guardians!! Lethality will be hosting a Cross-Platform Recruitment Contest!! The Event will run for one week and at the end rewards will...
Welcome stranger
Welcome sir!
Welcome lady!
We are starting to reach the number of required members where we can get some regular raid groups going. I need some more information from...
PS4 Destiny Clan is back online! hit me up if your interested in running raids with us
BF1 PS4... playing now. :) anyone party up if ya gots it?
i did for a little, but after black desert the combat feels dull to me. I did a lot of the new quests and some of the new content. but the entire...
http://samuraibuyer.jp/en/sh/Hobby/ I did my research on this guy and he has supposedly been featured by LOTS of Youtubers and such. so real...
*Alderamin*** realized i had the name wrong right as i hit post xD started watching this the other day when it popped up in my CR feed. It is...
yeah. people well. When i used to sell gold in runescape. I would have dudes once in awhile offer like 300 dollars worth of Gold just so they...