yeah, i got the pre-order for it. was gonna roll a Demon Hunter for sure. problem is. all my IRL friends are Horde and yall are Alliance xD. Ill...
is there a cash shop and what is it like? Edit -- and if possible, depending on interest. i would like to stick with lethality in game... if they...
and in terms of death. i played Runescape for like 3 years straight and still do off and on today lol. so I dont mind tough, but i like the skill...
i might try this game if RNG is balanced. I like whaty you said about it!
yeah grind doesnt bother me. i played destiny since launch and did the raids 3x a week every week. its grind with zero progression (BDO style rng)...
sadly all my chars are horde xD
what is this game like? if you have played or followed it? ie - grind, progression, rng, etc? I got too burnt out on RNG with Black Desert and...
[img] need I say more?
my PSU or CPU is going out. i get random crashes and shutdowns. already bought a new set
got it working. does it auto download mods? thats cool!
yep, have all mods listed here installed. searching on UnOfficial. for Lethality and after like 5-10 minutes of searching it...
having an issue connecting. I searched for and i got nothing.
Got the game downloaded :)
I had made a post before about setting up Forum posts over at Curse and a few other sites. They would not take much to do and you could easily...
you sir. are a winner
the Minecraft and Star logo's havent shown up on my TS since the new server however the Patron works fine
that iron fortress one looks good. gonna have to definitely follow that one. im personally just excited that Season 2 of Asterisk Academy is out haha.
i would say yes/ I would say yes. we were fighting for the Rhutum zone yet we had our tower WAY up near epheria... i thought we were going...
Congrats to winning our first node war AND in getting a T2 node! :D not to shabby i will say. ;) now lets gun for one of these here fancy Tier 3...