Any luck? I still have all three. Hoping to find someone to trade at least some of them to.
I have Gift Letter of Repayment for level 20, 40, and 50 still. Anyone want to trade? Let me know!
So far this week I've been on to do several of the big guild kill quests and did the boss fight a couple of nights ago. I just got home for work...
Hey Guys, Just wanted to have a brief conversation about the ever changing requirements for the main guild. Initially the big hubbub was that...
Not 50 yet. But might be by the end of today if things work out. I don't know much about the level 50 grind so I'll need to revisit this once I...
Late to see this post but here are my thoughts. 1) i'm not 50 and i don't know when i'll get 50. i'm doing quests which give horizontal...
Now that we're doing more kill quests, the 4-5 people who can do them are soaking up all the contribution. It's impossible to keep up and a bit...
Main toon's name: Natasa Main toon's class: Witch
1. Famlily Name: Blackshire 2. Main Toon's Name: Not sure (seriously.. not sure -- no idiocracy) 3. Main Toon's Class: Not sure 4. TeamSpeak...
The server died off before our tribe imploded then the world ended. I've moved over to the reddit server to play at this point. More people...
I just want to play this game.. This video of gameplay is awesome! [MEDIA] Okay maybe it's not gameplay but it's awesome!
EQ always had boxers. It used to be two boxing. But I imagine a modern PC could 80 box it.
not so bad
How are raids working? If I recall, this was a game with 80-person raiding. It was my most favorite MMO ever of course, but I know you weren't...
Hey Daph, Can you post all of configurations that are set of the server? I know that there are more and more options available for custom...
No problem. You mentioned giving them a few days when I asked before. If you changed your mind that's cool. The point of this thread was to put...
There are several tribes that are no longer operating on the server. It has been several days since the whitelist went live. We would like to...
Yeah. ARK is pushing content but to address PvP they are experimenting with a different kind of server type rather than attempt to balance and...
And the problems start when I decide to retaliate. I turn my graphics down to exploit the game engine, I wait until you're off line then kill...
You may have misinterpreted the purpose of this thread. I know that it's early access. This post is simply to underscore the reason why an early...