I am having a real hard time using the community forums. I am used to being able to tell at a glance which messages have been read and which are...
JDogg JDogg Uga Buggers Mizan 76561198000875414 ADDED
Well to be fair, every survival game out there is still an alpha. Yes wipes are part of the landscape. Most of the time wipes are required, not...
Also regarding tribes. Are there any admin tools or commands for this? Can you wipe tribes separately from everything else?
To be honest I don't think a wipe would be a good idea unless it's technically required as part of the update. I say this because there are...
Steam64 ID: 76561198000875414 Profile Link: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198000875414
I plan to pick it up and join you. Hopefully the game is a bit more than a pure deathmatch at launch.
I have Space Engineers. Would love to play it more but don't like playing it solo.
Hey Guys, The new site is looking pretty slick! I connected with you guys in December 2013. We partied in 7 Days to Die for a while. Since...