Look at that huge active crew XD
Still uses social club far as i know, though if it has acheivements on steam then its partially using steamworks so they may have added steam...
probably, half the people in the crew im in are from console, other half were people i played games on PC with
yep 60 GB, i assume there will be a crew if theres enough people playing it,
wait KF2 has a realease date wahhhhhh
i feel like ive heard this before
@FluffyDeath debateable, i still say twitch is better. both sides have pro's and cons
Pointless lol. Team players usually play with each other enough to not need that kind of thing, they already know what there team will do. In...
http://puu.sh/gRMkT/fea9deb240.png Wow only 3 years and two names later to admit it, but Romero's..... really, try harder pl0x
and mixer wins the internet
LOL fucking what http://www.escapistmagazine.com/news/view/101031-Counter-Strike-Knife-Fight-Leads-to-Real-Life-Stabbing
Everyone loves a derp check lawl
LiF is great fun, but heavily centred around having guilds to play with, since the "your own" version is a shrunk down prototype for the mmo they...
GTA5 finally releasing heists, just in time for pc release #PcMasterRace
got mine
Downloading now, maybe its a little better than it used to be, one would assume so since its free and they need people to pay money lol
oh snap suicide ganked in ol dixie, fucking scrub should go back to WoW trololol
Steam now selling hardware, holy crap they got some stuff on there