@Daphonic i have no idea wtf that page even is other than the cause of my eyes bleeding
http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=399420605 That answers that question to my satisfaction.
oooooooh new age of ultron trailer looks badass
Dat hype lol
=TRANSLATION= Time to get your asian on kiddies :D
http://dragonball.wikia.com/wiki/Dragon_Ball_Z:_Revival_of_%22F%22 HYPE!!
Holy crap a company NOT charging $200 for early access to an MMO, i about shit myself in surprise.
got to the chainblades and stopped watching, i already know what ill be playing as lol
I would personally find people who have a long term interest and plan to stick with it longer than until the next halfway interesting looking game...
Oh i wasn't specifically meaning any guild or leader in particular, i can't remember a guild in a game in five or so years where it hasn't been an...
Most of it seems good. Only thing i don't like is the inner clan system simply because it gives those guild leaders that like to fuck off for a...
oh yeah dem new keyboards, #firstworldproblems
I was going to post something, but finding a severed kitten head picture on just the right angle is surprisingly difficult..... But yes happy...
i see. But yeah i been on a thousand forums all day and the amount of people throwing up threads is amazing. Be interesting to see how many all...
And the internet explodes into doomsday threads. Side note: your sig is huge and sounds like a bad advert. #lethalitydating.com
so this only took a year https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Sz2zr3pZEo#t=147
I see this game taking over my life with the skill tree. Well that and the full loot pvp lolol
Zombie killing sprees are the bestestest
"J. Todd Coleman was the Creative Director of Shadowbane, Wizard101 and Pirate101. Gordon Walton was the Executive Producer of Ultima Online,...