The below link has a ton of information about the upcoming game that is to be the real spiritual predecessor to RO or Ragnarok Online. For those...
Only if I get to be the top
Yeah see it's not a Loli though it no counts, Loli are justice Loli is power!
I noticed I've been lacking on posting info so here goes everything I've come to learn in a nutshell. 1) Blade&Soul will release all classes on...
Oh and they won't censor costume or have the fatigue system like the other countries do so rejoice!
I know... I know but look at it this way, aside from Wildstar which the first game the Western side has ever tried to make from scratch they've...
Add me as a refer too you'll get boosters and stuff for free from levelin up
Probably be playing tonight if you wish to join, me and Valazca usually play at night. I'll help you out with any questions you might have. Though...
Oh I love Smite it's great I've even gotten a few other people into the game so we have a good time at night playin, you should give it a shot....
I've been attempting to get back into it, got over Dota2 and am playing Smite pretty heavy atm. Anyways I'm Nezvara on teh LoLs if you wanna add meh
Girl you still playing League of the Legends?
Okay so I love anime and I love the Japanese language but these two videos I stumbled upon were waayyyy to funny for me not to love regardless of...
Yep Overlord I think is my top favorite anime this season.
You might want to consider renaming the title since you aren't and can't be running a Skyforge server, to Ark Server ;)
Granted it's only a Korean release date, but if they treat this class like they did with Gunner it won't be very long after Korea gets it. [MEDIA]
Skyforge is set to start OBT or "Soft Release", Non Founder Pack buyers get their Early Access on July 16th for Early Access For those of you...
Oh I also forgot to meant that certain classes are restricted by races (I know who does that anymore?). In a much later update for Blade & Soul...
According to NCSoft America the costumes in the cash should can also be purchased via in game currency as well as purchased via the cash shop will...
Huge thing to take note of this game is there is no trinity force, you are all DPS no healers and such to save your life when you mess up. This is...