Even though it got greenlit I doubt it will go through because last I remember they already made a deal with Steam lol so it was kinda pointless...
finnally is that like Finland and Italy combined?
Hmm well having remembered Queen's Blade and Seikon no Qwaser I guess this is still pretty tame...
Just saiyan this will be the best, also I'm starting to wonder where the line between anime and hentai is starting to go lol... NSFW [MEDIA]
More than likely just a mood thing, we as humans always go through mood changes whether it be due to the seasons or something triggered in your...
They have to follow what Korea tells them to do though, according to what I've been reading Korea slapped the client on their desk of the Japanese...
That's right folks Blade and Soul is coming to NA finally slotted for a Winter Release this year! Live Stream Announcement: [MEDIA] Updated Blade...
You all do realize this is the Hoff's pseudo version of a trailer for the movie coming out right lol?
1) http://mmoculture.com/2015/05/skyforge-players-shall-unite-to-overcome-months-of-invasion/ 2)...
Welcome JediKitty hope you enjoy your time here and have fun doing so while streaming. I think many of us have done the same as Drakoz, Skyforge...
I believe I read this one sometime ago I won't spoil anything there will be many feels involved but pretty sure no characters were killed in the...
@Daphonic I have worn a bunny outfit and as student body president had to cross dress for a school gender equality event, I wasn't jokin when I...
Yeah I was sneaking it behind my excel spreadsheets and popping it up when no one was around, I looked at my clock and I was like shit its 5pm...
This about sums up how I feel about people at work everyday!
Name says it all
You linked it after the comment but still funny
fluffydeath22 People be takin' mah FluffyDeath name now too, swear every time I make a name some jackwaggin gotta copy.
Filthy Casuals everyone knows that Captain Caveman is the only super hero out there.