Filthy casuals the lot of you!
Kekkai Sensen probably gonna be my #1 anime for Spring
Read here for people who are worried about the pay service for Skyforge, it looks like they are trying to keep it still fair by making tiers and...
Meh I'm just playin Smite and waiting on Killing Floor 2 on the 21st of April.
If I remember correctly it is F2P upon release/OBT but if you want in now, you will either need a Beta key, Founder Pack, or wait until Open beta...
PC Release date revealed as April 21st for Early Access.
Place holder for my future input on the Spring anime, but here are my ratings for the first episodes round, I will change and update after a few...
Two can keep a secret if one of them is dead
So is Twitch and Hitbox going to be like Myspace before Facebook? Killing Floor 2 gonna get Steam Early Access soon time for more zYnthetic!
Easy being a smart ass :D
Well have no fear as Fluffy is here to alleviate that!
Sounds like you've done a bit of soul searching in terms of games and hobbies/passions, it's always good to have an outlet. We are looking into...
Play this game and you're sure to win the heart of the one you love... after having killed all the competition of course....
Case and point... 1. [MEDIA] 2. [MEDIA]
Never heard of this game till now and I want them all...
Update: Do the GROUP mission called Mare Sacro Monastery (Rough 2k+ Prestige needed), this is a required 5 man dungeon and a huge derp check on...