Welcome again to lethality Clot. Glad to see that you came with us last night ! if you need help with the epics just ask in guild chat and we will...
Welcome to lethality! Glad to have you with us! Hope to see you in discord and in raids in the future. If you have any questions please feel free...
this is very true mesa will keep ogga stuff shh.
Thanks @Milybelle ! ^
Welcome again Freddy! Glad to see you at raids! if you have any questions send me a tell or ask any officer =D
Holy hell......i am surprised the profile pic isn't a vapppppppperrrrrrrrrr.......Welcome again man =D
Welcome again Elossara ! Sorry i should of read this first i would of know that you werent a alt haha! Glad to have you at the raid tonight and in...
Welcome again Dread glad to see you at the raid tonight and in discord! If you have any questions shoot me a tell in game.. Name is Drakoz =D Ps...
Welcome again Nach! Glad to have you with us! I will be on tommrow and i can invite your alt =D i should be online around 830pm Eastern. Hit me up...
Welcome again Julliet! Glad to have you with lethality! Hurry and hit 60 so you can raid with us =D See you in discord and in game =D
Welcome again to the community ! Glad to have you all with us! Hope to see all of you in discord and in raids once you guys get up there =D
Welcome again Sabbon glad to have you with us! See you in raids and discord =D
Welcome Johncage! any questions feel free to ask in discord or in game! Name is Drakoz in game! Glad to have you with us!
Hey Alusair! Glad to have you with us and in joining us in EQ! see you in discord and on raids! Any questions feel free to ask a officer or myself =D
Rofl whats up Wingo I mean Loot =P...see you in game and stick around man this is what I call family...been with these guys from a very long time...
Welcome again Wendigo ! See you in raids and discord again !