*NSFW*Another Import for the PS4, looks like for the second game they took a lot from Bayonetta 1&2 and placed them into their newest game. US...
Okay so I have never been a huge fan of fighter type games but after seeing this I will have to get it no matter what, the roster and variety of...
Thought I'd share this for the Minecraft lovers out there, might be something you will want to keep an eye on....
Just saiyan this will be the best, also I'm starting to wonder where the line between anime and hentai is starting to go lol... NSFW [MEDIA]
That's right folks Blade and Soul is coming to NA finally slotted for a Winter Release this year! Live Stream Announcement: [MEDIA] Updated Blade...
1) http://mmoculture.com/2015/05/skyforge-players-shall-unite-to-overcome-months-of-invasion/ 2)...
Read here for people who are worried about the pay service for Skyforge, it looks like they are trying to keep it still fair by making tiers and...
PC Release date revealed as April 21st for Early Access. http://www.pcgamer.com/killing-floor-2-release-date-revealed/
Place holder for my future input on the Spring anime, but here are my ratings for the first episodes round, I will change and update after a few...
Well have no fear as Fluffy is here to alleviate that! http://www.animefansftw.com/
Play this game and you're sure to win the heart of the one you love... after having killed all the competition of course....
Case and point... 1. [MEDIA] 2. [MEDIA]
In the event that no one pays attention, here is some of many key things you need to know about this game... THERE IS NO HEALER, you heal from...
There are supposed to be 9 classes on Beta and 12 upon release with the possibility or more in the future. Below is a video taken from the Russian...
Figured I'd start up a post to list important and or cool information about Skyforge that everyone can place their found content on. Once we start...
So I've been reading into this system all day today and looking at the forums etc about this topic. Take a look at this new Clan system and tell...
Diablo 2 and Lineage made a baby, and it's an awesome one... Trailer: [MEDIA] Simultaneous Global Release Info:...
Blamo old school tabletop D&D with a dungeon master meets new world technology. https://swordcoast.com/preorder
Been lookin at this for awhile figured I'd share the link if other people are interested. http://sf.my.com/us