So I was thinking back to some things I used to play around with back when I was younger and I remember being able to use a Flash program to make...
Zombie movie from Australia hitting the states Feb 13th 2015 looks like it will be pretty funny/awesome. [MEDIA]
Okay someone thought it'd be a good idea to delete my introduction so here it is again... I am fluffy therefore I am amazing END OF STORY
Soooo mah character is finally hitting the US this month for Vindictus along with the new seasons and raids so I am excited for that. Arisha:...
Well you might want to consider trying TERA out again as they have been getting much better since the last time you played. Not only that but they...
Well since there is no "Other Games" section on the forums I am going to drop this sexy little jewel coming to PS4 and Steam in 2015 right here......