lol, such an intensely electrifying introduction! Welcome to the team!
Welcome to the group Navy, glad to have yah aboard! What games are you playing with us?
Howdy Steve, glad to have yah aboard killing and taming those dinosaurs. Yes accounts are for sure good to have, how we keep in touch with all of...
Marvel Heroes Division/Game Update Lethality Gaming's Marvel Heroes Division has been flourishing very well for a little over a year now and with...
So my name is purple now, why is this so, and how to I pick a more fancy fancy color?
DC wants their own Gossip Girls or One Tree Hill :-(, so fail DC! -- Supergirl Series on CBS -
Welcome Versa, once again, glad to have you part of the community.
Just replied to your question Versa! Glad to have you aboard!
Oh Oh Tom Brady, why oh why??? Your Tom Freaking Brady, you win Superbowls in your sleep! Why do you have to cheat? So sad :-( :-(
GFox I was for a bit, but got tired of the constant short spanned wipes. So figured I would wait till its a bit more stable.
Oh really lol, I thought it was just a music video lol.
Oh yes, I saw this about a month ago, absolutely hilarious. It almost disturbing that this was actually made in the 21st century.
Welcome aboard!
AGE OF ULTRON - AMAZTACULARNESS! Oh so very good, Vision casting was just stellar!!!
Welcome aboard Young. What have you joined this merry bunch of lads and lasses to play?
Welcome to the community, always great to have a fellow tech fanatic in the family!
Welcome to LG, glad to have yah here. Look forward to killing lots of something with yah!
Soooo, who is happy they don't live in Baltimore this week! What is happening to the world, crazyness!
Witcher 3 - 15% off on Steam NOW! Not sure if its a glitch, but yeah, go order up!!
Daph you moved to San Francisco?