Nice man i just Got Battlefield hardline and been playing ESO again they have changed ALOT in and and now it is free.
From left to Right. Wheatbread,Daphonic,Me,Cyn,Sweetchaos
Welcome to the community Uho!!glad to have you with us! hope to see you in teamspeak and in other future games!!!
DELIRIUM whats up man how have you been???what games are you into playing theses days?
Welcome to the community Nerkie! glad to have you with us! hope to see you in future games and in teamspeak! =D
i had a lot of planetside 2 pics but sadly hard drive crashed =/// sucks! ya i would love to see some old pics maybe you got some AION ones =P
Thanks for this!!!! =D
what i want to know is when you can download the launcher and etc.
i just picked up the 70 dollar package.
glad there is good new and it seems like its going well just a long road for recovery!
i will be praying for him... i hope he turns out on please keep us updated!!!
Well look who it is lol...long time no see...I have been thinking about getting back into it or a try now that they made it f2p also...might try...
Looks good i just signed up for the PC.
Welcome to the community Zach!!!!
i am amazed at the pricing like dark said... Deff worth 70 bucks!
fucking pax east selling out to fast!
nice man good work.
How have you been Chef! glad to see that you are still with us man!
Welcome to the community! if you have any questions please feel free to ask me or any other officers...