3. Know your monster types, the emblems next to their names show their type so mind the kill order and get things done. 4. Check the observation...
Oh dear well hopefully the surgery goes well and there aren't too many permanent complications. The best news is he is at least alive that is a...
Hnnngg my Sylvanas is coming to HotS soon woot!
In the event that no one pays attention, here is some of many key things you need to know about this game... THERE IS NO HEALER, you heal from...
More hype train https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u0bArxJtSnM
In love with this Nanatsu no Taizai AMV https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6u842sW60BA
I think right now many of us are just wondering around looking for a game atm as there aren't many MMOs people are focused on. Skyforge is...
Keep note though peeps, it's important to level everything as that gives your character more stats and perks, those carry over no matter what...
I agree if anyone is going to run or even be a leader of ANY chapter it cannot continue with the spree of let us play the game for a month and...
There are supposed to be 9 classes on Beta and 12 upon release with the possibility or more in the future. Below is a video taken from the Russian...
Figured I'd start up a post to list important and or cool information about Skyforge that everyone can place their found content on. Once we start...
I thought about that for a bit as well but so long as the primary Pantheon leader isn't the one disappearing it shouldn't cause too much of an...
HNNGGG Skyforge
So I've been reading into this system all day today and looking at the forums etc about this topic. Take a look at this new Clan system and tell...
WANT THIS GAME NAO... Looks better and better each time I see it. [MEDIA]
Ello there bruv
DemonSkyfish That couldve been more interesting is the singers weren't COMPLETELY crap
Love my new keyboard and mouse but still getting used to key placements HNNNGG struggle is real
Sounds like everything is on the table with this one lol. Welcome to Lethality if you have any questions or concerns feel free to contact myself...