Katawa Shoujo 2 !?!?! HHNNNNGGG *dead*
I'd have to write a book to give you my routine since I go for one - two hours a day Monday - Friday bright and early in the morning. The best...
Elder Scroll Online is going F2P with game purchase in March 2015
If I'm still awake tonight I might stream some good ol' Resident Evil Remastered, if I'm not well... then maybe tomorrow night :D
All classes video for those who are bad at researching... [MEDIA]
Been lookin at this for awhile figured I'd share the link if other people are interested. http://sf.my.com/us
https://www.youtube.com/user/NNKyra/videos Where I go for mah jams!
So I was thinking back to some things I used to play around with back when I was younger and I remember being able to use a Flash program to make...
Zombie movie from Australia hitting the states Feb 13th 2015 looks like it will be pretty funny/awesome. [MEDIA]
I am assuming you are talking about the birth and life process of real life but using a game like setting?
I too am confused by this post
Okay someone thought it'd be a good idea to delete my introduction so here it is again... I am fluffy therefore I am amazing END OF STORY
MMMMM Arisha releases tomorrow mah body is ready! Also TERA:Fate of Arun today woop!
Sometimes I wonder if you have ADD or something lol!
Bro don't be using my Esdeath she is my wife, and yeah I've been playing on and off through out the years, usually it's just myself, Wish and Neko...
Soooo mah character is finally hitting the US this month for Vindictus along with the new seasons and raids so I am excited for that. Arisha:...