greetings! :D and welcome to the guild. I also love that Lethality tries to fit into both hardcore AND social aspects of the game. :D
I miss SWG :(
I might know someone. ill ask tonight
had a great Skirmish last Sunday. not enough people for the Arena training. Do people still want to run this still?
You see. :) This is what happens when you focus on building a community first like Daphonic has done. I honestly think that if we put our minds to...
I can understand both sides of the fence. however I think the benefits of it FAR outweighs the negatives. However, would it be possible now that...
jdogg what is your main playtime's
JDogg I wish to add a few things. I recognize I am no longer an officer but I feel I still have a lot of knowledge and things to offer. I...
Due to the 10% Bonus XP. we decided to roam around and help our guild farm some XP. got in some decent pvp vs higher geared/leveled players....
Unranked arena tournament is on for tonight! Everyone get ready to bring your A-Game. The past 2 have been group vs group. I'm thinking it's time...
Alright. Yeah I was leaning towards that. Maybe on Monday/Tuesday as a follow-up for questions and concerns people had from that weeks PvP...
any input. should we do the Arena Training once a week? I did it twice last week and one day we had stellar attendance and the next we had 2...
Greetings from Black Desert!
gonna have to do something a little different for the arena training. while people show up. being the sorta unstructured event that it is....
and i understand that. but either way. if it does become needed. I am available. I meet every qualification except for the 7pm EST part. Im not...
Well I have previously stated interest. I also previously stated my playtimes. 10pm CST through 4am CST. In terms of event hosting I believe...
please get with us in the teamspeak if you havent already!
Changing my scroll group time to Mondays and Thursdays due to other guild programs I'll be hosting.
I'm 50. Almost 51. Wizard. Too pro :P I'm honestly looking to just hit that for now so I can start grinding world bosses
Tonight's PvP event will be a little late. Tomorrow is my birthday and I will probably be going out tonight :)