
New Server Rules Discussion

Discussion in 'ARK: Survival Evolved' started by Daphonic, Jun 11, 2015.

  1. Yes Clean Slate

    13 vote(s)
  2. No Wipe Yet Please

    9 vote(s)
  1. Daphonic

    Daphonic Gentleman Viking Grand Elder Elder

    Last night when me and Daddio told everyone that we would do World/Tribe wipe to remove the Large tribe, and stop all the drama with it, everyone on last night asked to do it Right than and there, So they Didn't have to wait for the patch. There was 20+ people in TeamSpeak last night, and we asked if anyone had any problems with doing it a day early, no one said anything, and everyone said do it tonight, So they wouldn't be wasting a day of game play.

    After the Incident yesterday, and a few incidents prior, the only way to fix the issue with everyone complaining about the Tribe was to Wipe the Tribe/World. IF anyone had left the Big Tribe, they would lose everything they had worked for. So if we disbanded the Big tribe 80% of the Server pop was pretty much at 0 as it was.

    The server wipe was planned for Tonight, but everyone last night asked for it to be pushed up. I posted this link to everyone in TeamSpeak multi times, and I believe Daddio, and a few others did as well, Some people said they didn't care at all, and would't vote.

    We told almost everyone in TeamSpeak we would be putting up a poll a day or two before the big ARK update, and to look for it. We originally were going to do a Clean Slate Wipe, but found out, we could keep our Levels if we did it a certain way. No one had any quams after that point but a few individuals.

    Now the people Complaining, are some of the people who lost their TOONS, and this is no way our fault, people downloaded their toon off our server, and put it on another server, this wipes there toon from ours. There are bugs with this feature, and some players got those bugs and had to start over, when we heard people started downloading their toons, we told them it wasn't a good idea, but was too late.
  2. FluffyDeath

    FluffyDeath Freaky Fluffy

    ^ This ^ Btw toon means character for those of you who never heard that term before...

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