I will just into touch with someone when I get back, no worries. This Military move has been a pain in the butt
As discussed before, I will be on a leave of absence as I move from the UK to the US. I wont be getting to a stable internet connection until I...
and posted
Just a heads up, if you are fishing and see deliciousdogeater, he is one of the people killing AFK fishers. [IMG]
PVE 1. Play 5+ Days a week - Every day as I am able, minus my medical as you know 2. With my current situation on work hours (being in the UK) I...
1. Family Name: Kazooka 2. Main Toon's Name: Tadalafil 3. Main Toon's Class: Valkyrie 4. TeamSpeak Username: Kazooka 5. Website Username: Kazooka
I am on Server Orwen/Balenos#2
I am pretty excited for it, I will definitely be down for this one, already pre-ordered and was part of the last beta.
Just a heads up to anyone else who was interested in this upon it's Alpha/Beta/Public Release I have the following ships currently pre-ordered and...
It is pretty fun, I did get the founders pack already, Not sure how long the fun train will last once it is released though
That should be easy, I already own the following for Star Citizen: Constellation Andromeda, Freelancer MAX, 325A Fighter, P-52 Merlin (I think x2...
yeah it is Kinda, but there will be other opportunities. I think this is going early access in steam as well in a couple months. I got drunk one...