would anyone have interest in making or joining a runescape lethality clan?
far as i can tell heiron are wolves. union are cats. i think they have 2 genders each.
i might go guardian lupus
the main issue is that every "new" mmo so far has just been a p2w crapfest. if it is old but still kicking it must be good right?
needing a few friends to play some random older mmo type games and see which ones we like: istaria eldevin rift comment what others people have...
looking for a few friends to play random mmos to try them out.
if we do invasion the days cycle will have to be longer. there is a mod that freezes the server time when no one is on tho. so a idle boot will be...
i currently have a 4gb server up of minecraft. frustration 1.0.4
just a dragon who has been here a while and been too lazy to write one of these. i play a lot of different games as long as they are not FPS. i...
and the occasional custom server as well.
ok 1 more try... i like this one. dosnet effect hunger and maxes out at 140, and requires killing titanaboas for the parts needed...