So with the new Alpha clone, otherwise known as Free to Play, they are pulling me back in. I pretty much already have all the training items that...
They put together a pretty good presentation at Gamescom in which they actually wired up a lot of their disparate modules, so that it actually...
Go Team!
1. Famlily Name:Rivet 2. Main Toon's Name: Riverdream 3. Main Toon's Class:Valkyrie 4. TeamSpeak Username: Judicator 5. Website Username: Judicator
I would not mind trying this out if there are still spares
Is there a way to buy the expansion without the core game included? Since I have the core game spending 50 on the expansion which includes what I...
Hey all just wanted to put a note in saying that I have not been very active recently due to recently having a baby. I have found these last few...
With the recent call to arms, I have decided to help by making sure I can fly a logistics ship. I wanted some help on this test build that I...