I know this is archived but if anyone is playing the game still and wants to join me on ULTROS then hit me with a friend request. Alt name:...
\o/ WOOT
hey there man. How's it going?
Sounds fair to me. Did an edit of main entry.
Hey Lethality! I just read on this thread http://blog.twitch.tv/2015/02/save-the-date-twitchcon-2015-sept-25-26-sf/ So, I kinda wanna go, and I...
hey, how are you?
hi there
ahhh okay.
hello :3 welcome.
i have no idea what you are talking about but it sounds cool. welcome to the guild :)
Guten Abend. D: i'm sorry that's happening.
I will be getting this my next paycheck
Hey there stranger :3