Picked up my founder's pack the other day. Pumped for early access!
Welcome, however you got here. Hope ya stay for other games as well. ;)
Sick Boy(IzanamiNoKami) for Sister Guild. I know I already talked to ya Daph, and Solace, just posting it here for reference, etc. I'm on pretty...
<--Slacker Supreme.
Hey Thronos. I'm down for being a scout like we discussed, or calling targets and what not. My main is now a Witch, Family name Golden_Child,...
1. Famlily Name: Golden_Child 2. Main Toon's Name: Death_Incarnate 3. Main Toon's Class: Sorcerer 4. TeamSpeak Username: Sick Boy 5. Website...
Hey guys, name's Sick Boy. I'm 31 goin' on 32, about to start streaming, and have seen the community around in several MMO, most prominently WoW....
Hey, what's up all. New guy here, just met Daphonic in Black Desert CBT2, stopping by to register say hello. Cheers ;)