Sweet Ill be trying this one out!
Can someone invite Valignor Thren to the cabal? Im still leveling but Im really enjoying myself so far.
Kinda interested in trying this out. Any server /faction stuff I need to worry about?
Thanks man!!
Interested in checking out this game with you guys. Is there any sever info I need to know?
Yea, Im still waiting on siege pvp in BDO. While Im not a fan of ESO (feels a little overly simplified) combat. I keep hearing the pvp is fun and...
I started playing on daggerfall covenant and while I hate the combat it doesnt seem as grundy so it might be a better fit. What side are you on?
Yea, thank you Syxe for making my time here so enjoyable. Ill most likely only be out for a bit. besides I really enjoyed my time in Lethality...
So, I kinda got called out on how much time i was spending in game so Im taking a bit of a break until we have more definite news on node wars. If...
Welcome! Youll love the current intruige where we have a spy thats feeding info to our douchey rival guild. Personally, I think its kinda exciting...
Nope, good points all around.
Hey I know the roster is on there for transparency and thats a good thing but I think it gives of a ton of tactical data to anyone planning on...
The latest interview seems to suggest we wont be getting our pvp patch until late April+ that should give us plenty of time to catch up gear wise....