It is about a month away, just looking to see if anyone else will be playing it. Doesn't appear to be a co-op type game, but it will be cool to...
Real life comes first man, your always welcome back when you find some more time.
1. Famlily Name: Amskeren 2. Main Toon's Name: N/A 3. Main Toon's Class: Not sure 4. TeamSpeak Username: Amskeren 5. Website Username: Amskeren
If you don't own these titles on PC this is a pretty good deal! Humble Bundle [MEDIA]
So difficulty bump incoming... Confirmed lol jk
"I am a god among ants, an ant among the stars..."
45/15 is a decent split.
Narcotics seem to have been changed.
When do we think a new map might be voted on or forced by a major patch?
This is awesome, especially that salt bin!
I'm not concerned about spoilers lol. I just think its in bad spirit to cheat....
Wow... Way to ruin an awesome exploration game lol
I have been watching VintageBeef play this and I agree it is a very good game.
OMG Test! I'm like your hugest fan evar!!11!11!!!!
Well as you get older things start to change, you may not like it but its for the best :P
He's back Germany! [MEDIA]
Did they sell out in seconds or minutes?
Probably be a beautiful shiny turd but I'll still play it lol.