So the New Expansion is about to be Announced! Excited or Meh? [IMG]
I've played both, and as of now I think Dark and Light is far better, It's got a bit more polish, as Citadel looks like it's just begun on the Dev...
Info is in Community Discord pinned in the light and dark channel Alright Guys It's time!! Dark and Light is being Released Tomorrow July 20th. We will be...
Raid info has been updated If you can Add anything to the post about your times in the Community... [MEDIA]
Aww He did it guys!! He did it!
This is for the Early Team or EU Based Team Voting. Select All Times that work for you!!
This is for the LATE NIGHT Team or US Based Team Voting. Select All Times that work for you!!
You can Preorder the game now here: [MEDIA]
Today We've hit the 1,000 Member Milestone for Discord. It's only been a year, lets Triple this Number before on 15th Anniversary on May 20th 2018!!
Vote for what you believe was the best Anime for Spring 2017! All First Season Content, No 2nd or further Seasons. I've picked the top 10 Animes...
With the official release of Albion Online around the corner, our Founder program is coming to an end. On July 9th, at 21:00 UTC, the Founder...
Albion Online Launch Meeting Sunday July 16th at 10 pm CST Official launch is on Monday 17th at 8 am CST for all legendary founders. We will be...
Disclaimer: The Community runs on the Funds of the Patrons of that Month, who help with the price of growing and maintaining the community. If you...
Hey! I'll be on in about 30 min, Name Daphonic, If you would like to join our Cabal.
That's on Teespring, I've looked at this, and I don't see any Options about printing both sides.