Server Address: Installing Feed The Beast Download Curse Client from .exe']HERE Go to the Minecraft Tab on the Left side,... - LINK
Lethality has moved over to Discord. This will cut cost and has more options than TeamSpeak now. You can get into our Discord with the Link Below....
Main Crowfall Forum - LINK - LINK Signatures Can be Found Here - LINK If you would like one made let Daphonic know on Discord. Below...
Hey guys, I know a lot of you guys did the Kickstarter with me, and if you're interested in playing the game for Final Beta and Release let me...
Faction: Alliance Server: Madoran If you're interested in playing the Expansion with us please reply to this thread, so we know to grab you. If...
Woke up this morning, with a pop up from BDO saying i need to Scan my Computer, as I may have Cheating Software installed WTF? I was AFK fishing....
Steam Community Reddit /r/PlayArkServers...
If you can be on Sunday June 19th at 7:30 PM EST for our First Node War!! @BDO - Main Guild
Rules Max Players will be 70 PvP On Third Person On Player Location On No Password XP: 1.0 Harvesting 2.0 Taming 2.0 Difficulty: 1.0 (Max Dino... Link for Time/Date ^ ^ ^ ^ @Acerbis @sarahmon @shadowskills @Solace @Wykk
[MEDIA] This will be Mine. [IMG] Loved the first 3, Hoping they make it so much bigger than the 3rd. Oh man, So looking Forward to running a Server on this, and Have...
Starting Right now, I'm going to keep track of the People who are helping us Recruit. If you have time and are willing to help us Recruit new... [IMG] Sony’s 2015... @Trixxell... [IMG] The Mother’s Day Event has ended. Rum & Black Stone...