13 Years! -- From Plantside to Black Desert Online! Today, May 20th marks 13 years for our Community. We started way back on the Planetside...
After you've joined our Community, you need to join TeamSpeak and Sync your Website account up with TeamSpeak. To do this Follow these Steps!...
[IMG] Event: Road to Valencia All monsters will drop Black Stones Begin: May 18th End: June 1st. (ends with the maintenance begin)...
Hello Lethality Members! Tonight we will be opening up our new 40 man Ark Survival Evolved Server! The server will be running the new "The...
Server: LethaltiyGaming.com No Password Rule Set Max Players = 40 PvE 3rd Person Allowed Difficulty x 10.0 Taming x 1.3 Harvesting x 2.0 Leveling...
http://forum.blackdesertonline.com/index.php?/topic/80299-patch-notes-may-4th/ Guild Boss Scrolls May be Worth it again!
Vote on ARK Server! If you're interested in the Community hosting ARK again, please click the above link, and vote on a few basic things for the...
I will be putting up the new Ark Server, that I will keep up perm, I want to hear form you guys on what you want on it. Please add Mods in your...
ROSTER PAGE ^ Click to View ^ We need everyone to tell us what Day they want to do Their Guild Quests. We will be making Quest Divisions. Instead...
Option 1 3 Kill Quests at 8:00 pm EST Boss Scrolls After Kill Quest Done Randomly though the day Option 2 Scheduled Kill Quests 12:00 pm 4:00...
Will add more to this Very soon.
Lethality is looking for new Officers. We are looking for 1 PvX Officer and 3 PvP Officers. The PvE Officer will help run the Guild Kill/Boss Runs...
Guild Events Starting April 4th, we will start organizing Guild Kill Quests at 8:00 pm EST. We will be urging everyone who is 50+ to join this...
Date: Wednesday, 30.03.2016 Duration: 5h Server Down: Server Up: Global 08:00 UTC 13:00 UTC West Coast (NA) 01:00 PDT 06:00 PDT East Coast (NA)...
The Officers are going to Meet tonight and Come up with some Anwsers to problems we are having now and in the Future. Below is the Current List of...
Lethality is now hosting a Vanilla Minecraft 1.9 Server. If you would like to play on this server, please Click the Link below and read the Rules...
Please Vote and Tell me what the Community wants to Play. If you have Ideas for another Game please post about it. Please also explain your vote...
POLE CLOSED Skill Order We will Follow. AP Accuracy Damage Reduction The Reason We will not go Gather skills is we found out, it only speeds...