If you have Any 7 Day Passes for Black Desert Please Post how many you have. If you need a Key please request one on this Thread, so we can get a...
Server: Edan Channel: Mediah Please take the time, to check our all 3 links below. You will find all the info you need for the Release of Black...
General Tips 1. Level Slow! Grab all the Knowledge and ?'s on the Map you can. This will give you a higher Energy Storage. 2. Red Banner on Guild...
Please Post Your info for Release! So we can add you to the Roster, and start getting organized for release. You can see the Roster by clicking...
Server: Edan Channel: Valencia E2 Guild Leader: Daphonic (Profile) Officer 1: Solace (Profile) Officer 2: Therik (Profile) Officer 3: Aithene...
Guilds can be upgraded from a full Clan - requirements are: Level 50 and 300k Silver. Guilds can also be made from scratch apparently - same...
Lethality will be joining Black Desert on March 3rd for the Release, and February 18th for the 2nd closed beta. As we draw closer, I will post...
BLADE & SOUL ROSTER Starting this week, we are going to start doing Organized PvP to farm Prestige, Faction Insignia, and Soul Shards. Monday /...
Server: Onmyung Faction: Crimson Legion We changed Servers due to our Server being close to Full. The new Server is above. Please join us on...
Server: Onmyung Faction: Crimson Legion Starting to night, Lethality will get a group going in Blade and Soul, if you would like to join us,...
Meeting January 16th 9 PM CST in TeamSpeak We are looking for members who are want to help out Lethality with their ideas, and too help with...
This list is based off the first Episode of Each Series. These are Daphonic's ratings. 4's & 5's I will prob watch entire Series for. Gate: 4...
Below is the Current Recruitment post that I'm putting out on the Web. If you have any ideas on how to make this better in anyway please reply...
If you want to help out with Recruitment, please take the time and sign up for these sites. You can help by giving your testimony with why you...
This is a Work in Progress. Will be finished soon. Lethality is currently looking for Server Admins and Staff to bring more server based games to...
Closed Beta Under Way With Legendary Founders already in the game, the next big stage of the development process has begun and thousands of...
Bobble Head Locations Science = Vault 75 - Caretaker Desk Speach = Vault 114 - Caretaker Desk Energy Weapon = Fort Hagon - End part Kitchen Area...