Please Go here for new Disscussion for Server
171.00 (ETA "Today, June 5th, EST") Drake [Developer] "Sorry for the delay on 171 all -- actually I passed out in front of the computer monitors...
ARK: Server WhiteList Request To gain WhiteList and have Access to the PvE Server at all Times, we will set up a whitelist feature on the 1.71...
Our Community will be rolling on the Evil Side with the release of the Ragefire Progression Server going Live today May 20th 2015. If you would...
Drakoz wanted to put a poll up, I'm putting it up sooner for him. ONLY IF YOU PLAN ON PLAYING CAST YOUR VOTE! GOOD or EVIL? Just post what side...
I don't know whats up lately, but I find myself enjoying Romance, Cooking, and Music anime more than the Action stuff lately.. maybe its me...
The Rebirth Badge is out. I've finally got around to putting in most of the Trophies and Badges on the site. I have a Temp Rebirth badge up for...
As of June 19th, The yearly Channels that are currently up will be all deleted. I will be Extending the TeamSpeak server at this point, and if... This looks amazing!!! Can this happen now?! Found their website. -
I swear to fucking god... if they kill the Ogre or the girl in this series i will fucking flip shit. After the Piano/Violin Series last season my...
Looking for someone who is really good with HTML/CMS to help me make a few pages easy on the eyes. This person some admin powers for pages/forums...
Anyone know where a Sub Version is? @FluffyDeath
Immortals! After the success of our second Closed Beta Test, the team is thrilled to announce the third Skyforge CBT event is just around the...
$199 USD* Tickets to attend BlizzCon 2015 will go on sale in two batches on Wednesday, April 15, 2015 at 7 p.m. Pacific Time and Saturday, April...
Hey Anime Fans, the Spring 2015 Season list is now up on the Review Section. I've also added the Anime shorts to this season too, as well as went... Curious on your thoughts after watching the video?
Our Recruitment Thread Please take the time, post on our forums, answer peoples questions. Below are 150 x 150 Avatars I've made for those forums....