You still around? Curious who you are?
I'm going to start posting every month where the Community is at with Funds. and how much we gained from the Funds to cover those Costs. Anything...
This month I'm going to Raffle off a $20 Steam Gift Card. The Raffle ends on April 1st at Midnight CST. Everyone who wished to enter for a chance...
Lethality is going back to Black Desert Online, Sixthy now known as @Kaiisabi was an old Member in the Old Lethality guild who used to help us...
Server is currently hosting The Shigo Islands and 14 mods, Server was started fresh on the 20th of March, if you're interested in joining our...
We have put up a new Fresh Feet the Beast Infinity Expert Server! If you would like to play with the Community click the below link to see how to...
Lethality is looking for new Admins and Moderators! Daphonic is looking for Members who would like to help out as future Admins and Moderators....
By clicking Become a Patron on the bottom of the Website.
Server has Been Ordered, waiting for it to be set up.
I thought you guys linked me Feed the Beast Beyond? You gave NO info for this mod pack...Just a title.. Please provide links, and info.
So @Therik and myself have been talking about Going the Dedicated Server Route, I've been paying $20 to $40 per month for some of the Server games...
Welcome! May I ask who recommended us? Also make sure to join our Discord! What game you plan on playing with us?
Tonight at Midnight Lethality will be hosting a Brand new Feed The Best Infinity Evolved Expert Server. If you would like to join us on the Server...
Server Address: Installing Feed The Beast Download Curse Client from .exe']HERE Go to the Minecraft Tab on the Left side,... - LINK
Lethality has moved over to Discord. This will cut cost and has more options than TeamSpeak now. You can get into our Discord with the Link Below....
Main Crowfall Forum - LINK - LINK Signatures Can be Found Here - LINK If you would like one made let Daphonic know on Discord. Below...