ROSTER PAGE ^ Click to View ^ We need everyone to tell us what Day they want to do Their Guild Quests. We will be making Quest Divisions. Instead...
I think it's 5 as well. Tier 6 is Blood red, with white spots with red hair from what I've seen.
Option 1 3 Kill Quests at 8:00 pm EST Boss Scrolls After Kill Quest Done Randomly though the day Option 2 Scheduled Kill Quests 12:00 pm 4:00...
I'm not sure how they could use it. I'm trying to think of one good example they could use this on us in battle.. I mean they could go pick some...
the Level is 51 with Gear Score of 200 for players joining the Guild. This should also be the Goal of everyone. If you want to do the things we...
WTF is a cid poster?
Yea, not sure if you were AFK or what, But I have a List of 13 people who are in the RED on my roster, and you were one of them. Make sure you hit...
When was the Last Time you were in TeamSpeak? I've been trying to contact you for 4 days now In game.
Will add more to this Very soon.
Requirements 1. Play 5+ Days a week 2. Is on during main hours of play 7:00 PM EST to 1:00 AM EST 3. Organize Events 1-2 nights a week.
Lethality is looking for new Officers. We are looking for 1 PvX Officer and 3 PvP Officers. The PvE Officer will help run the Guild Kill/Boss Runs...
Gotcha, TIL
Black Desert Online
We always go off American EST East Coast's Time
We are still deciding, waiting to see what everyones at, and how long it would take. Setting a gear score is easy for those who play 4+ hours a...
I agree, I'm happy they Have the whitelist on it now.