Yea, everything I've read too, was its gear based. We are looking at setting goals for Gear as well, but we couldnt come up with a combined number...
Guild Events Starting April 4th, we will start organizing Guild Kill Quests at 8:00 pm EST. We will be urging everyone who is 50+ to join this...
Date: Wednesday, 30.03.2016 Duration: 5h Server Down: Server Up: Global 08:00 UTC 13:00 UTC West Coast (NA) 01:00 PDT 06:00 PDT East Coast (NA)...
Damn some of those new bosses looked bad ass
Fuck yes!
We will ask people if they would like to join the 2nd guild, We wont force anyone, But the Main Guild will have a bit of Striker Requirements.
The Officers are going to Meet tonight and Come up with some Anwsers to problems we are having now and in the Future. Below is the Current List of...
Please come talk with us in TeamSpeak.
Lethality is now hosting a Vanilla Minecraft 1.9 Server. If you would like to play on this server, please Click the Link below and read the Rules...
Hmm, I could look into it again, We also had Reign of Kings for a Bit too. I've been looking into Minecraft FTB Expert.. It's configured to be...
Did you come into TeamSpeak and Speak with an Officer yet?
We came close on the first server, but they weren't on the Vahalla Server. Ark's curve i think is to easy, after first day.
Please Vote and Tell me what the Community wants to Play. If you have Ideas for another Game please post about it. Please also explain your vote...
Please link up with an Officer on TeamSpeak to get your guild invite once you have posted.
I just made my First Fishing Boat last night, Started on my 2nd one as well. The Sap is prob the hardest thing to get, as you have to go get it...
Closed the Pole and put up the results we will follow.
Come talk to us in TeamSpeak please
Have you gone into TeamSpeak and spoke with an Officer yet?