We will know what Server We are going before Launch, Waiting to hear 100% confirmation on Server Names and such.
The Sadness in his eyes.... wondering why they Stepped in the Red circles...
If you have Any 7 Day Passes for Black Desert Please Post how many you have. If you need a Key please request one on this Thread, so we can get a...
I'm looking at doing 7 day Contracts so that I can keep track of players Activity levels.
Religious Recruiting, heh nice. I'm hoping we get a strong tight knit group to take castles in a few weeks.
Server: Edan Channel: Mediah Please take the time, to check our all 3 links below. You will find all the info you need for the Release of Black...
A Great FAQ from Reddit What is the best class / What class should I play? There is no best class, there are some that do better in different...
General Tips 1. Level Slow! Grab all the Knowledge and ?'s on the Map you can. This will give you a higher Energy Storage. 2. Red Banner on Guild...
Please Post Your info for Release! So we can add you to the Roster, and start getting organized for release. You can see the Roster by clicking...
Wrong Server.. Info on the Black Desert forum, and in TeamSpeak.
Server: Edan Channel: Valencia E2 Guild Leader: Daphonic (Profile) Officer 1: Solace (Profile) Officer 2: Therik (Profile) Officer 3: Aithene...
I have it.. when I load it, it does nothing.
Guilds can be upgraded from a full Clan - requirements are: Level 50 and 300k Silver. Guilds can also be made from scratch apparently - same...
I can't get the player Creator to work.