This list is based off the first Episode of Each Series. These are Daphonic's ratings. 4's & 5's I will prob watch entire Series for. Gate: 4...
Below is the Current Recruitment post that I'm putting out on the Web. If you have any ideas on how to make this better in anyway please reply...
If you want to help out with Recruitment, please take the time and sign up for these sites. You can help by giving your testimony with why you...
I'm in Alpha, I like it alot, I'm looking forward to this game.
Ahh, We no longer play Skyforge. I'm not sure of anyone who is still playing at this time. You're more than welcome to join any other game we...
I'm looking at getting it. looks to be decent.
This is a Work in Progress. Will be finished soon. Lethality is currently looking for Server Admins and Staff to bring more server based games to...
are those Yams or Kidneys as your icon?! Welcome aboard sir.
Ahh man, I invited 2-3 people past few days, was not 100% sure on who you were lol. Thought you were one of my coworkers.
I did? When did I suggest this? Is this Johnathon from work?
Closed Beta Under Way With Legendary Founders already in the game, the next big stage of the development process has begun and thousands of...
Thank you! If you have any questions let us know.
Bobble Head Locations Science = Vault 75 - Caretaker Desk Speach = Vault 114 - Caretaker Desk Energy Weapon = Fort Hagon - End part Kitchen Area...
only 430?!
Hey and welcome, I belive the Cord Map I had created, is on just about every wiki now as well. But if you have any questions feel free to ask.
Hmm I'm not sure than, you really should talk with @Veee if he isnt too busy, AMD lost me ages ago.
I will Def play this.. like Dota Meets COD meets Team Fortress 2
I'm not sure on the AMD with built in Graphics on them... that seems like a @Veee question... i've always been intel/nvidia type.
400$ for a gamer isnt much sir.. What graphics card you going to put on that rig?