how much are you looking to spend total?
ohhh I'm looking forward to this!
He was saying the SAME THING I AM.. /CRITED BY WALL OF TEXT need to make more paragraphs and break that wall up lol
Just FYI for future players, we put Dino Tame up 20% and Difficulty to MAX
Paragraphs..... Even I the Worst Speller in the world use them!
Jesus had to wait 3 months? and the ending was shitty :(
They made it so when you start the game up you can choose to run it at lower settings and such.
Welcome good Sir.
I'm going to Delete your Town, so you can start over. It's done this before.
Hmm 70 to play now seems kinda expensive.
Welcome to our Community, I hope you enjoy our Community and it's servers.
I'll take a look at it, can you post links for people?
I wish you luck on the LethalityCraft Server I find myself always looking behind me
Welcome! did you join for ForgeCraft or LethalityCraft
I really do like that 50 is good to start with Keep it to only Decent players who want to play and get shit done.
yea, that's is basically the problem most players have. I think as adults we can play games a lot more than we did as kids/teens and we blow...
What was the Last Game you played that you had fun playing for more than a Month or two?
Welcome! Love the avatar
Due to the game popularity crashing before the 2nd Month of the game's release, My time being strained with my move, and no Officers of the...