Yea I understand, I don't want to Ruin the Server. I do want to get fresh bodys to play, but don't want to force it. People are already playing...
I did thought I posted it here... But I may Redo it.. So many people HATE our rules... and I don't disagree with them :( Most of them just bitch...
181.0 (ETA: Monday Midnight EST 6/29/2015) * NEW DINO: Plesiosaurus (with custom saddle!) * NEW DINO: Ichthyosaurus (with custom saddle!) * NEW...
Steam Recruitment Page [LINK]
You may join our Server now on the below link to Read our Server Rules, and to Post your WhiteList information. Once you have posted your...
Server is now at 300% max difficulty.
Everyone to this Point Should be on the Spreadsheet. You must come talk with Daphonic or Wykk In TeamSpeak to be added to the Server now. If you...
jdogg does have some good points, But the problem is, getting new people to play period. So many servers 800+ i think now, I got no bites on...
I understand were you're coming from, at the rate the normal server is going, its going to stay at 10 players max at any given time. From talking...
We are looking at an Event Server. Also Matt Farming is NOT hard at all. with the settings, we put on test server. you can almost get 40 wood from...
than you need to refresh your browser or something. Does not do that at all for me.
2nd Server Put on Hold Till we get more players on 1st. (Everything is Open for Discussion for now) As soon as I get the 2nd Server Built and...
umm you shouldnt be.. Mine dont show up anymore.. you on IOS or DROID? can you screen and upload to your post.
nm purple was terrible, I put it to a much brighter Teal.
I've changed theads for now to be purple if they are new. I will work on Icons this weekend. The color purple might be a little off, I will work...
Join the Discussion I've put our Jersey Concept thread into the public threads, if you would like to contribute, give feedback or post your own...
Bringing this Thread out to the Public, If you have Idea's or Concepts Please Share them!
bats are the hardest thing in the Game currently I belive. I can solo Trexs now and not worry about dying.. 400hp and melle dmg I take them out...
to bad it wasnt fru :(
I think a hard server is a must. Once you learn how to kite. kill everything from Dillio's to a Trex, they seem easy. I would love a Harder...