ARK Community Server Server (These Rules are subject to Change with out warning) PvPvE is On Map Marker is On Third Person is on. While Playing...
i think its 24/24 48 min days.
Next Big Patch we can change the Day/Night Cycle My thoughts are 45 min Day 15 min Night. Want to hear everyone's thoughts. You can change Each...
that is @Ixendragnel and @Originengel base
also looking at all 3, i think that Grey, and you can see black on the others makes it look like it has wrinckles and isnt really the shirt?
Google esport teams clothing or esport jearseys. I can try and photoshop the Razer one after work tonight.
why does it need spoilers? It clearly says the Season Finale....
This season I think was by far the Worst of the Series. I understand they need to set up all the plot lines to finish the books that are out, but...
I've updated a few of the Modules on the website, and the Forums them self. If you find ANY BUGS please post them here, so that I can take a look... Trying to get better admin Control, and want to...
These are some that I found I really Like. I really Like the Razor One, I'm going to ask the Artist if He could do something like this But Maybe...
Hey guys, that artist is on the Jearsey Concept now, He would like some pictures of Esport Jearseys we like, Curios if any of you guys have...
Sent you private Message Ace. Going to install and play tonight, see how they did, anyone want to join me tonight?
I would totally go if I didn't already have 3 cons scheduled for later this year.
Square Enix isnt Playstation Only anymore. So I dont see them JUST making it for ps4. If they sinking that much time into it it will be out for...