I myself love the Lighting...
I think I've counted 25 Series I will be watching every week..... Not including shorts or anything.
Patch Notes 174.0 - WELCOME TO JURASSIC ARK! Current Version: 174.0 - Raised Max Player Level to 64, providing 120 additional Engram Points -...
Hmm, I host it out of My house :) But you're welcome Sir.
Last night when me and Daddio told everyone that we would do World/Tribe wipe to remove the Large tribe, and stop all the drama with it, everyone...
The Server's Tribes and Map have by Wipe. You're Characters Levels have been Saved. There will no longer be a Large Tribe, Break up and create...
You Really shouldn't do this. They region lock keys, and will even ban your account for this.. its happened.
We may just Wipe the Map for now, So we can Disband the Tribes while keeping levelings, Still debating it.. The Lethality Tribe is Far to big, and...
This being said, I personally would like to see the Server's difficulty put up a tad. maybe to like 0.25. I'd also like to see a Clean slate So we...
Please Go here for new Disscussion for Server http://www.lethalitygaming.com/threads/new-server-rules-discussion.618/
I'm going to be talking with everyone to get their Views on a Possible Server Wipe come Friday night after the Major ARK Update. The Vote is at...
[IMG] Hello, hello! Today we're bringing you our latest Feature Highlight video and this time we're showing you Hellgates! You can check out the...
(During the test only) Exclusive instant access to two high-tier classes, Knight and Alchemist – Players will get a chance to try two high tier...
Hide your damn wallets!
I have No idea. a lot of people are still learning the game. May wait for a huge major patch or balancing issues to be fixed. I really want to...
DO NOT TAME DINOS or do anything you will Regret... This is your 3 hour Warning. Please inform everyone if they did not read this. Servers will...
Keep it how it is RIGHT NOW, once we do a Major Wipe... We will have Rules in stone to follow.
After Reading Everyones Thoughts I'll add my own, as some Arguments persuaded me. 1. PvP should remain On. People can Troll people's bases with...
Patch Notes Current (172.4) & Upcoming Current Version: 172.4 - Dinos that are being tamed no longer disappear or lose their inventories upon...
very informative.