Take 2 min, and leave feedback and up vote the...
Enjoy the Vacation Sir! Tell you're brother good boy, he now belongs to a new Warden.
We are on the North American Server, If you would like to join Lethality in the Pantheon Wars and Raids in the Future please join us in the...
Welcome Sir! Hope you enjoy Skyforge with us, and other games in the future as well!
Thanks sir
there are some other members around you -
oh man.. so many amazing spots here..
sounds good sir.
Its easy, this is a clean sound pack that will only say that a player has joined a channel without all the other trashy garbage it could say...
Welcome Ken! Moving this to Player Introductions
Please update your Contact info in the Admin forums.
not many if anyone has played Archer yet, so you may be stuck figuring it out on your own for now. Once more people in the Pantheon get Archer,...
Ah you're avatar.. I'm from Chicago... Go Black Hawks! they won didn't they?
ah very cool man, Would love to see it sometime!
You should come to Chicago.... Rent a room from my new house... and cook for me... I like damn good cooking.
Ah man, I hope you enjoy you're stay with us man. We are always around if you need people to play with! What type of work do you do with animation?
veee speaks the truth, they are pricey but i hear nothing but great things
yea I can understand 100% man.
lol was about to say. Where you been btw man? havent seen you in like 2 weeks
hmm, I've never had a problem wit office depot on my end?