When you have Phone through Comcast, you have to have an EMTA, so you no longer can get a normal Modem. You have to have an EMTA, but comcast is...
He cant lease a cable modem. due to the Fact he has Phone with them. Talked to him a bit last night. He is stuck with the Wireless Router he has....
I think we can use the same Crew We used back on the Ps3 no?
no way in hell mixer is Taller.. I've seen a Picture of you.. you Sir are a Giant... Mixer is a Gnome...
Hey Anime Fans, the Spring 2015 Season list is now up on the Review Section. I've also added the Anime shorts to this season too, as well as went...
Sent in a Convo
I have some Extra keys if you would like one Sir. Not sure when CBT3 will be tho.
That there sir is one crazy damn Avatar...
So if Twitch and Hitbox are Myspace, what would Facebook equate too?
Welcome! Hope in TeamSpeak and chat with people. I know bunch events going on this weekend, and a few new game servers will be going live.
I have't seen them add the Pantheons inside the game yet. We have put a Community in the game, but they don't do anything. We just use the our own...
Hmmm, I can See that being a pretty Valid Point. I really see this being a useful took, showing new players how to play games like League of...
https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/stratshark/strat-shark-the-gamers-playbook Curious on your thoughts after watching the video?
Our Recruitment Thread Please take the time, post on our forums, answer peoples questions. Below are 150 x 150 Avatars I've made for those forums....
I'm thinking all of them Than Paladin... but that May take a long long time.
You short on cash? Do you really want to check out Skyforge with the Community? If the answer if yes, please reply to this thread. I've been given...
I have Some Skyforge Beta Keys if you would Like one @Zeddicaus
http://screenrant.com/live-action-bambi-dwayne-johnson-saturday-night-live/ Kinda wish this was real.