Yes, yes it was, Easy 2, maybe 3X better than the first movie easy..
Looking for someone who is really good with HTML/CMS to help me make a few pages easy on the eyes. This person some admin powers for pages/forums...
I was really tired. I meant to ask if anyone I know lived out there. Was looking for a Place to maybe Crash for the weekend of TwitchCon.
Anyone know I know live out in San Francisco?
I just finished season 2. so I'm only at chapter 155. So I still have 150+ chapters to go before getting to the current Haitus, but loving it!
How are you're wireless Devices 5g?
Secounds. We got 4 Tickets. Not sure what we doing with the other 2 yet.
LOL poor Fluffy, texted me said he was Glued to it for 10+ hours at work LOL
Anyone know where a Sub Version is? @FluffyDeath
What did you get???
sent to you both.
Anyone Planning on Streaming this Beta?
Immortals! After the success of our second Closed Beta Test, the team is thrilled to announce the third Skyforge CBT event is just around the...
$199 USD* Tickets to attend BlizzCon 2015 will go on sale in two batches on Wednesday, April 15, 2015 at 7 p.m. Pacific Time and Saturday, April...
It's only first 4 Episodes tho Right?
I'm in love with it, I'm 5 episodes in on it now, and god damn it's BLOODY good.
I agree. It looks like a Strong contender for First Place. Gunsligner may be up there as well.
I do agree 100% if you have Cell Phones Land Lines are Obsolete, and can save you the $35+ a month. Unless you need it for an Alarm, or something...