My Server #1 box took a windows update and shut itself off last night. I thought I had disabled windows update on the box, but guess not. So it...
Yea should be up soon, They should be putting in a few new Anima's/Dinos by fridays as well.
Thanks for joining, and that's a huge bonus on our server, you wont find on the publics. the Gentleman's Agreement. Hopefuly after patch 172.....
Patch Notes Current (172.0) & Upcoming Current Version: 172.0 - You can now rename your tribe. (if you are the founder or have transferred the...
Welcome and Enjoy Your stay. Let us know how things here work out for you.
Welcome and Enjoy Your stay. Let us know how things here work out for you. Talk to an Officer in TeamSpeak about getting into our Server....
In order to add your name to the WhiteList Please post your Steam ID below. To Find your Steam64 ID Go here - Follow The...
Do not Start Taking any Dinos anytime around the patch time. I will be updating the servers for the Metal Patch around that time. You have been...
I put the Spoilers tag there for a reason.
Welcome, if you have any questions let us know. right now the Community is playing a whole lot of ARK.
Please Go here for new Disscussion for Server
I'm in need of someone who can take ideas I have and code them, They are simple HTML pages, but I have a hard time with them sometimes. It took...
171.00 (ETA "Today, June 5th, EST") Drake [Developer] "Sorry for the delay on 171 all -- actually I passed out in front of the computer monitors...
What type of Website are you currently working on? talked to you for a fast min on Spooty's stream.
ARK: Server WhiteList Request To gain WhiteList and have Access to the PvE Server at all Times, we will set up a whitelist feature on the 1.71...
Very informative Tate... very.. LOL
Yes you may good sir, Join us on TeamSpeak and they will give you the password. We will be going to Whitelist Server soon tho.