Daphonic. Not sure If I've played with you yet, or seen you on TeamSpeak.
who are you in h1z1?
https://www.fablelegends.com/ I signed up for Xbone and PC I also hear it will come free with Windows 10.
I was thinking the Same thing!! I would betting on 200$ for the top tier...
Also the Ultimate Edition, You get the Gold Capsule.. You get everything in it PLUS the Silver and Bronze. So you have to add it all up across the...
http://sf.my.com/us/founders-packs They have 3 Different Packs. Check them out, and buy into beta if you choose, I've picked up the $70 one.
you can leave the Campaign as a Group, and join another new one.
I've talked with a few other people, So I know a couple people doing the $100 as well.
http://www.mmorpg.com/gamelist.cfm/game/1214/feature/9431/A-Preview-of-Characters-and-Warfare.html/page/1 Thoughts?
http://www.mmorpg.com/gamelist.cfm/game/1214/feature/9430/page/1 thoughts?
https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/crowfall/crowfall-throne-war-pc-mmo I'm looking at doing the $500 or possibly the $1000, This game looks...
http://crowfall.com/ They will be announcing the rest of the info, and putting up the Kickstarter for the game.
True, But we need to find and Recruit New Officers and Possible new Council Members who are looking to play a Game Long term and stick with it...
My thoughts on this were, I would Create Two Accounts. 1 Dummy Account, to be the Parthenon Leader, and My Main to be in charge of one of the...
You and Roshi should come chat with me in TeamSpeak, Help you guys get a CORP going for the community and help you recruit.
I would totally go to this. Pool would be for Hotel room Only. If people can't afford food and their tickets, It's unfair to have people buy...
This is AMAZING!!!
Welcome good sir, what brings you to our Community?
Lethality Gaming PREMIUM MEMBERSHIP PERKS http://www.lethalitygaming.com/account/upgrades LethalityGaming.com is a website ran by Daphonic with...