What an Introduction!
If it's flash It wont work. It's hard denied to be put onto the site for security reasons. But I believe you can do a Link to a Wave file, with...
Heh, welcome, how did you stumble upon our site?
Welcome to the Community! If you're big into anime, make sure you Write reviews for the anime that's current!
Thanks god Sir!
Updated. @FluffyDeath @Veee @Dark Exile @Daddio @Drakoz @Karma waiting for your guy's ideas or opinions. Everyone else I'm looking forward to...
http://www.lethalitygaming.com/account/alerts Conversations is smashed need to expand the left column a little bit....
Every Badge you get on the website gives you 10 Trophy points. Every 10 Trophy points equals one Level. So if you're at 90 Trophy Points you're at...
Ok I fixed it for ya.
I've changed it to the Green for now. It's not such an eye sore.
Do you want your user name Changed to Ixendragnel sir?
Yea, Red Bar is on the list to change, Going to go with a Grey bar.
We are playing on Madaran Alliance. WoW has been kinda silent since Christmas, not sure when it will pick up again, H1Z1 comes out next Thursday,...
Yea that last 20% is to make sure people know how to Read, and can post on the forums ok ^ ^
Hey guys, new site is up as you can see, below are some of the things you can now do here. Level Up System (still working on kinks) Gallery...
What's everyone's thoughts on the new website?
The website is 100% live, everything from here on out, is to make it even better.
That would be @Daddio
C2E2 2014